Why on earth do you only talk about pre-workout supplements?
And here's the answer, but first, a little background.My First Pre-Workout Supplement Experience:
(the one that got me hooked)
I was first introduced to pre-workout supplements about 6 years ago by a friend of mine that I worked out with. He kept telling me how great they were, but I'm a bit of a skeptic. I had tried energy drinks before, and it seemed like the first couple times they actually worked, followed by a dramatic drop in effects for the following experiences. So I initially turned down the offer, thinking it would be a waste of money.
A few weeks later, after a grueling week at work (I'm a full time Plumber), I was feeling pretty exhausted on the way TO the gym. The prospect of a good workout didn't seem likely. My friend, Casey, decided this was a good time to taunt me with the pre-workout supplement called NO Xplode. Blue Raspberry flavor I believe. With the doomed workout lurking ahead, I decided I'd give it a shot...
It tasted very, VERY, sweet and almost unpleasant. Happy to just get it down, I sat back in my car seat and thought to myself, nothings going to happen. But, within about 10 minutes, I felt a strange tingling sensation on my face, which quickly moved down to my arms and hands. Definitly a bit odd, but not uncomfortable. And within a few more minutes, I was feeling motivated and energized for the workout ahead. I literally felt like running from my car and into the gym to start going...
The workout that followed was probably one of the best I've ever had. I felt focused, driven, and pushed out a lot more strength. You know those days when you're at the gym, but you're not really there at the same time? As in, your mind is off somewhere else on something else happening in your life? This was nothing like that. I could focus on each and every muscle moving throughout each rep, and this produced amazing lifting technique AND strength. I left the gym that day feeling exhausted, but incredibly satisfied.
How could I not have known about these supplements until now? (or why did I have to be too stubborn to try them) From that day on I've been using some form of pre-workout supplement for almost every workout I do. This does include stimulant free pre-workouts as well, to give my body a break from all the caffeine once and a while. I've tried a LOT of different kinds, brands, flavors, and more - and they're not all good! So, I've decided to share my findings with anyone else who loves pre-workout supplements, or hasn't even tried one yet.
One Last Reason Why....
I started out buying my pre-workout supplements in actual stores in my city, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. But after looking around online for a while, I found the selection you can get is FAR better. This is not the reason why. The real reason is that almost every single website that sells these supplements only put out content that promote the GOOD parts about every supplement. They usually don't even put out content at all - just the Brand names very well crafted sales copy. I have yet to find a pre-workout supplement that is absolutely perfect in every way! I doubt there ever will be, unless of course its free, tastes great, promotes every benefit known to man including everlasting life.
If this super supplement comes out, I will happily retire my pre-workout supplement sharing quest. I don't think I'll quit my day job just yet though.
If you're at all interested in finding some of the best pre-workout supplements and reading TRUE reviews on them - in a number of different categories like best sellers, top rated, stimulant free, for runners, and more...Please visit my website a Before Your Workout.com . Thank you for reading :D - Mark
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